Changing the stink about goat's milk
We all know that goat's milk contains many health benefits and can even replace cow's milk, but some of us may avoid drinking it because of its often stinky or musty smell. It is not only consumers who think this, but farmers too. However, we are working to change this negative perception with the 'KU' branded goat milk available at the Kasetapirom Café, located in the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen.
The idea that this milk does not always smell came about many years ago when a professor from the Faculty of Agriculture was given goat's milk by a farmer. She tried it and almost mistook it for cow's milk because there was no stench. Later, she realized that the smell from a goat's milk must be related to how the animals are cared for, and this started the development of goat farming standards for farmers.
It is not easy to obtain odor-free goat milk as the animals need very good care from feeding through to milking. Every step must be carefully treated and detailed before the raw milk can be considered 'Grade A'. The Faculty often purchases goat milk from farmers as a raw material for further processing and categorize it based on quality, which encourages farmers to produce higher-quality milk. To ensure we receive the best quality raw materials for our products, the Faculty has offered knowledge and support to local farmers regarding hygienic management and farming standards. This also helps farmers save time in trying to develop best practices on their own.
We all know that milk can be processed or used as an ingredient in other food, in addition to drinking it on its own. "If milk were the lead character in a drama, goat's milk would be the crybaby lady while cow's milk would be the naughty girl who gets along with everyone. As you know, cow's milk is perfect as an ingredient for any kind of baked goods and desserts with no need for special processing. Goat's milk, however is more complicated. Still, if you understand it, goat's milk can be a lovely partner for any food," explained Assist. Prof. Dr. Sasithorn Nakthong from the Department of Animal Science and the project for the establishment of the Department of Food Innovation and Food Safety, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen.
It is not as easy to process goat's milk into yogurt or ice cream as it is for cow's milk. Therefore, good care and hard work are required before getting the delicious dairy products you see on the shelf at the café today. The Faculty will not stop with just these three products, but will try to continuously develop various products to satisfy customers and inspire farmers to produce high-quality raw goat milk.