Agriculture makes everyone happy
Many people think that agriculture is only about planting and farming. While this may have been true in the past, this is not the case today – and the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen is a clear example of why.
Of course, production of quality raw materials is still the major mission for the faculty, but there are now many other functions under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pabhop Sinchayakul, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen. Nowadays, the faculty also takes part in processing, innovation, business and any work that can provide safe and quality food to customers.
"If you want a lot of money, the Faculty of Agriculture may not be the best choice. But if you want happiness, our faculty is the answer," Dr. Pabhop explained. This happiness comes from supplying agricultural products to people to live their lives. This is the true value of agriculture.
Some products from the food industry are receiving negative attention and it is possible they may not be wanted in the future. This is because many products need chemicals or ultra-processing to transform agricultural products into completely different things, such as canned food, snacks or even fruit juice. Dr. Pabhop believes this pulls us away from nature and that people in the future will prefer more natural goods. High-quality niche products will play a bigger role in this trend, including freshly cooked meals from quality raw agricultural materials.
"Science is not for creating new things, but explaining their existence in nature," said Dr. Pabhop. "People in agriculture can find happiness more easily than others. Just a cool drink of water can satisfy them if they are tired from work. Agriculture allows people to learn new things all the time. Not only how to grow high-yield vegetables, but to also learn changes through a natural way of life. Students who graduate from here will learn how to make a living from agriculture to take care of their families, as well as additional skills for earning income and doing business. Graduates will also develop a positive philosophy for life through this program."
From year one, agricultural students will have the chance to learn about themselves and what they like by choosing from 22 available subjects that teach specific processes for different kinds of products. They will learn all processes needed to make finished products from downstream to upstream, beginning with raw material production and processing through to sales. An example of this is our facial foam made from silkworm cocoons. Students will have opportunity raise the silkworms and learn about the processes it takes to make the finished product that is currently available at the university shop. This allows students to feel proud and experience success. It may seem small, but it inspires them to go further and pursue bigger things in the future. The faculty is ready to support students in all aspects of academic life to help to create new innovators and entrepreneurs in agricultural business.
"Anyone dropping by here will leave with happiness and something good for their lives, whether they are students, professors, farmers, entrepreneurs or consumers. We are here to be an academic service center to enhance wellness and happiness through the agricultural community," concluded Dr. Pabhop.